What is a Vet Center?

A Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Vet Center provides readjustment counseling services for eligible United States military veterans.

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Vet Center logo with eagle

PTSDexams.net is an educational site with no advertising and no affiliate links. Dr. Worthen conducts Independent Psychological Exams (IPE) with veterans, but that information is on his professional practice website.


Combat veterans, their family members, and veterans who endured military sexual trauma (MST) may access these services.

See Vet Center eligibility on the VA website for more detailed information.

What Makes Vet Centers Unique?

* Readjustment counseling services only

* Medications are not prescribed.

* Only combat veterans, their family members, and military sexual trauma (MST) survivors may receive counseling at a Vet Center.

* Vet Centers are not in the same locations as VA medical centers and VA outpatient clinics. 

* Vet Center counseling records are not stored in the VA electronic medical records system. 

* Vet Centers work especially hard to recruit and retain counselors and other staff who are veterans themselves. 

* Although all Vet Center counselors are licensed mental health professionals—and Peer Support Specialists receive extensive training and supervision—Vet Centers have a more down-to-earth "feel" compared to medical center formalities.

How to Find Your Local Vet Center

Use the VA facilities locator to look for a Vet Center in your area.

If the closest Vet Center is a long way from your home, call the closest Vet Center and ask if they have outreach counseling services closer to your home.

They probably have counselors who travel to a town closer to you.

Note: VA does not list the outreach locations on the facilities locator website—you must call the closest Vet Center for outreach locations.

1-877-WAR VETS

That's the toll-free number for the Vet Center Call Center. That's a tongue-twister name, so I call it the "War Vets Call Center".

What's the phone number with just numbers? 1-877-927-8387

The "War Vets" number is an around-the-clock confidential call center where combat Veterans and their families can call to talk about their military experience or any other challenges they face in their readjustment to civilian life.

Combat veterans and family members of combat Veterans answer the phone and talk with you.

1-877-WAR VETS is a free, 24/7/365 confidential service.

More Information About the Vet Center Program

Here are two excellent articles about Vet Centers:

Vet Centers – The Best Kept Secret of the VA – “There is one option [for combat vets] that is astoundingly easy to access even for active duty personnel but is still infuriatingly the best kept secret in the VA. The Vet Center.” Excellent blog post on ChicagoNow, describing why Vet Centers are one of the absolute best resources for veterans.

What is a Vet Center and what do they do there? – This website provides the answer!

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